Valid Requests for Lead Refunds
Eligible Reasons for Return: WEB LEADS
Disconnected Number (List error message)
Wrong Number (List how confirmed)
Wrong Category (List appropriate category)
Wrong Location (Please list this lead's location)
Had Attorney at Time of Request (List date retained)
Had a Legal Plan at the Time of Request (For how long?)
Lead Never Submitted Request (Be specific)
Issue is, in No Way, a Legal Matter (Be Specific)
Duplicate Lead (Include other lead's ID #)
Foreign Language Not Handled (Language?)
Gibberish Comments/SPAM (Explain if not obvious)
Voicemail Box Full/Not Setup (attempted email/phone/text for 4 days)
Free advice/Pro Bono (Must be mentioned in lead comments)
Underage (Please list current age)
Past the SOL (Injury category attorneys only)
At Fault (Auto Accident Injury attorneys only)
No Pending Charges (Criminal Defense only)
Debt Below Requested Minimum (Bankruptcy only)
Federal CPS Case (Family Law only)
3rd Party (Spouse/Dependent excluded,Legal Plan Accounts only)
Presently Incarcerated (Legal Plan Accounts only)
Gov't Lawsuit (Legal Plan accounts only)
Non Profit Organization (Legal Plan accounts only)
"No Contact" (Not eligible for return)
Eligible Reasons for Return: LIVE CALL LEADS
Verified using the recording of the call ONLY
Wrong Number
Wrong Category (List appropriate category)
Wrong Location (Please list this lead's location)
Already Represented
Already has a Legal Plan
Issue is, in No Way, a Legal Matter (Be Specific)
Duplicate Lead (Include other lead's ID #)
Foreign Language Not Handled (Language?)
Technical Issue (Explain if not obvious)
Free advice/Pro Bono
Underage (Please list current age)
Past the SOL (Auto Accident Injury attorneys only)
At Fault (Injury attorneys only)
No Pending Charges (Criminal Defense only)
Debt Below Requested Minimum (Bankruptcy only)
Federal CPS Case (Family Law only)
3rd Party (Spouse/Dependent excluded,Legal Plan Accounts only)
Presently Incarcerated (Legal Plan Accounts only)
Gov't Lawsuit (Legal Plan accounts only)
Non Profit Organization (Legal Plan accounts only)
"Missed Call/Went to Voicemail" (Not eligible for return)
What if I can't contact a lead?
It is expected that there will be a percentage of leads that you will not connect with. This is the case in all lead verticals. If the lead has a working voicemail, it is considered valid. While we can’t control the lead's availability it is our job to keep the number of "no contact" leads to a minimum. Make sure you are reaching out via phone/email/text making the best possible effort toward success. In the end, it comes down to your overal CPA and ROI, not each individual lead.
“But do I get credit for a "no contact" lead?” .
If a you are concerned that the phone number might not be accurate after several days of attempts (email/phone/text), you are welcome to reach out to us via email asking us to do additional research. If we find something that leads us to believe the number might be invalid, we may be able to credit the lead as a courtesy.
“What if I finally speak with the lead after the 5-day window and it's invalid?” It’s always possible that you will end up connecting with the lead after all, but it's too late to request credit in your account. As long as we haven't closed out the month, we are happy to manually submit this request for you outside the 5-day return window.